MBAG Committees

Give back. Have fun. Make things happen!

Some of the ways you can be involved with MBAG and support the industry.


Time involvement: Occasional
Chair: Michael O'Neill, Carol Clark Law

Responds to calls from consumers in the general public and provides assistance with mortgage matters. Many referrals come from Atlanta's Clark Howard show, among other sources.


Time involvement: app. 2 hours per month
(as the event nears, meetings may be slightly more frequent)

Chair: Rick Darlington, Capital City Home Loans
Co-chair: Jennifer Gross, BankSouth Mortgage
Plans annual convention, solicits sponsorships, secures speakers, plans education, activities, etc. Helps at event.

FHA-VA/Investor Liaison

Time involvement: 1-2 hours per quarter
Chair: David Freas, Van Dyk Mortgage

Acts as liaison between MBAG members and officials at HUD/VA/FNMA, etc. to keep members informed of pertinent issues. Meets with appropriate agencies as needed.


Time Involvement: 1 hour per month
Chair: David Rapson, Liberty FCU

Works with MBAG Legislative Liaison on matters affecting the Industry in the legislative arena.

Member Engagement

Time involvement: 1.5 hours per month
Chair: Dave Morgan, Liberty Federal CU

Focuses on recruitment of new members, retention of current members, and engagement of all members. Not ideal for new members. 


Time involvement: 1-2 hours per month
Chair: Callie Lathangue, MGIC

Plans and executes education opportunities for loan officers; plans annual Gold Awards banquet ceremony.

Quality Control/ Compliance

Time involvement: 2 hrs. per quarter
Co chairs: Michele Misere, BankSouth Mortgage

Vernon Tanner, 1st Franklin Financial Corp
Plans and executes education opportunities focusing on: Secondary market investors' and federal agencies' requirements in the area of QC; developing trends in the specific area of QC; new & revised regulations.


After you have decided where you'd like to serve, click here to submit your name.